Body composition is the measure of exactly how much muscle, water and fat make up our body. Most often that is actually a technique known as bioelectrical impedance analysis or BIA. This method involves sending a tiny electric current through your body. As the current travels it comes in contact with varieties of tissues which resist to different extent. It tells us how much fat and muscle you carry. Another is called dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, or DXA for brevity. DXA entails a special kind of X-ray which is safe and low-dose to measure bone mass as well as body fat. So, these both methods are useful to give you clues about your body.
The material composition of your body can teach a lot about its health. If, for example your percent body fat is high that could be indicative of risk factors for heart disease and diabetes. Serious conditions which may alter the way your body works. However, if your body fat percentage is really low you may have a lower risk of this associated with these health problems. This information is critical to making wise decisions about your nutrition and physical activity.
With body composition analysis you can also track all physical changes in your body with time. For instance, you can track your body fat percentage if you are working on losing weight. What this does is allow you to periodically measure the fat in your body and can tell when it is going down. You can see the changes in your body, and hence you will be able to do diet control or even exercise accordingly. You may decide to modify your meal plan if you realize that you are not losing body fat as much as expected or exercise more frequently.
The electrical Conductivity varies between muscle tissue and body fat. This means the small electrical current from BIA passes more quickly through muscle than it does body fat, so if you have a greater percentage of muscle compared to higher levels of body fat is picked up on in your reading. Scientists can probably give a pretty good estimate of how much muscle and fat you carry on your body, by measuring the electrical properties of it. This data may also be informative for understanding how the diet and exercise influencing body composition are changing over time.
There are many reasons how significant tracking changes in our bodies can be. Wellness Monitoring First up, it can let you know a little better about your general wellness. E.G. if you can see an upward trend in body fat percentages, your future health might depend on making some changes to the diet and exercise upon which these have been based. You need to catch those changes early before they escalate into a major problem.
The second reason tracking changes can help you achieve your fitness goals. How To Use Tracking At the Gym For example, if you are looking to gain muscle, it might be of interest for how your body fat and weight increase over time but so will… Lean mass is muscles, bones and organs but not fat. Without taking these measurements, you may be working out hard but failing to see why your figure isn't looking the way you want it. This could help a lot in keeping you motivated to measure your progress.
Body composition analysis can be used to assist you in almost any health or fitness goal that you have, whether it's weight loss, muscle building or just being healthy. The benefit of measuring your body's composition regularly is that you get to really understand how your body works and what affects it. This is important because this type of thing will only help you develop a health and fitness plan to get exactly where YOU want to be.