Have you ever heard of BIA? Now this is for Bio Impedance Analysis. It might sound like an intimidating term but in reality it is a simple and useful method to assess your health. Shanghai Youjiu BIA is a technique that shows us what substances are in our body. It tells us how much of the fat, muscle and water we carry inside our body. This information is obtained by doctors and health care professionals with a special device called the BIA analyzer. The bio elektrisk impedans gives them the opportunity to see how our bodies function and helps us focus on health goals so we can make healthy choices for better living.
BIA does this by understanding that our body is made up of three parts: water, fat and muscle. The Shanghai Youjiu BIA analyzer uses a small electrical current in the body. This current is minuscule so you would not feel a thing. Resistance: As the current passes, it encounters resistance of how much particular part is in the body. Water is very electrically conductive and the more water your body contains, less resistence there will be. That is to say the current can flow through without any resistance. Muscle is also an excellent conductor of electricity, but fat isn't. The more body fat you have, the greater your resistance. The bioelektrisk impedansanalyse by Shanghai Youjiu measures this resistance to determine just how much of you is composed water, fat and muscle.
Your body fat percentage can be a useful tool to help you reach your health goals. For example, if you wanted to physically lose weight then maybe in your mind healthy is you weigh a certain amount of pounds. But, the body composition can display you your share of fat and muscle allowing radius to separate. This is really important. If you are also losing muscle while burning fat, that may not be a healthy thing. You need to lose fat but at the same time you don't want your muscles diminish also, since muscle keeps our body strong and healthy good thing biimpedans of Shanghai Youjiu can help u with that. It is an excellent way of also seeing how you change over time. You gain better control over your health is by seeing how your body changes and adjusting to that.
Another, BMI (Body Mass Index), It is used to determine one's general state of health just the way BMI does though, there are differences in how they operate. It calculates a number that indicates whether you are underweight, of normal weight, overweight or obese based on your height and weight. However, there are some limitations of BMI. It does not account for your muscle to fat ratios. This is the reason a very large individual with lots of muscle and little fat could be deemed overweight or obese (for categories where obesity and being generally larger) even though in reality they are entirely fit and healthy. However, body fat percentage is a better indicator of overall composition in the human body, and it can be difficult to measure. Lay your body bare in just minutes with a BIA analysis to accurately determine what you are made of (and no, not cardboard) providing better quantification.
So here are some crucial things you can do to get ready for a BIA test if it is coming your way. Ensure you stay hydrated first and foremost. Staying hydrated is key! The results will be more accurate with higher volumes of fluid in your body. Therefore, drink a lot of water before the test. In addition, be sure to fast for a few hours before the test and do not eat or drink anything. This helps to prevent the measurements from being influenced by what you recently ingested. If you have been working out, it is important to wait a while before doing the test as exercise can also temporarily alter your body composition. Lastly, wear loose clothing. Fitted clothings might disrupt the data so we could get a good reading when using the bioelektrisk impedansanalysemaskine.
If you have any questions regarding your purchase We will be in touch with you immediately. Our service begins with your Bia bioelectrical impedance analysis, we believe that prompt and expert responses can assist customers to make the right decisions. Not only prior to purchase, but also in the aftermath of your payments,
We know that a happy transaction is derived through the professionalism of Bia bioelectrical impedance analysis. As a service-oriented company, we pay greater attention to the professionalism of our employees. Each employee has 20 hours of product training as well as 10 hours of assembly time to ensure that we can provide you with fast and accurate solutions to your product needs.
by developing deep and extensive strategic cooperation with a variety of large enterprises listed on the stock exchange.The number of people we service reaches one million each year, which covers more than 100 large small, medium and large cities in China.In 2016, we saw the publication of the "Healthy China Bia bioelectrical impedance analysis", campaign. We proposed the strategy of "IoT + Cloud Computing + Big Data" which has continued to cultivate deeply in the fields of fitness, health care and education during the following years.
We have updated our assembly line and production process as we believed that the use of modern technologies could yield Bia bioelectrical impedance analysis and disruptive products We'll meet your requirements whether OEM or ODM