But before we discuss the body composition lets identify what this actually means. Body composition means the different components that add up to your body, such as muscle bone and fat. Every one of these components, plays a key part in the way are body functions. Bioelectric impedance is a unique method of tracking your body composition. It is a fast and easy test in which you stand on a special machine that sends tiny electrical currents through your body. This current is not harmful, and it helps the machine to determine what percent of your weight comes from good body (muscle) or bad body (fat). Now, let me discuss with you the ins and outs of bioelectrical impedance behind this machine. It can assess how easily an electrical current moves through various tissues when it runs the electricity throughout your body. Electrical conduction through the muscles and other lean tissues is efficient. Meanwhile, fat tissues are poor conductors of electricity -- that is the current moves more slowly through them. The machine then essentially measures how quickly the current travels through your body and it can tell you exactly how much lean muscle mass vs fat. You just get to know about your body in a cool way.
You might be wondering now why the heck you would go through all of this using bioelectrical impedance to measure your body composition? In fact, another advantage to this process is just how widespread it can be. They offer information about your body, right now — which is something that can be really valuable. They also differ in that they can be done from home, no lab visits or needle pricking required. As this test is non-invasive, you will feel no pain and there is zero risk in it. Bioelectrical impedance is also really great as it allows you to monitor changes in your body. Like if your goal is to gain more muscle mass or lose a couple of pounds, you may use bioelectrical impedance as an approximate scale. This is useful, because it does provide you with a more comprehensive health snapshot as opposed to just checking in on your weight by standing on the scale. Similarly, two people can weigh the same amount yet be a drastically different body composition. Now, bioelectrical impedance to the rescue.
On the right side of my body composition test photo — which I scanned from a Bod Pod fact sheet, then cropped and altered in Photoshop to make it look like everyone's doing them (it should be noted that I'm not tall) you'll see me trying to measure what amounts will take more fingers than limbs as apparently punches happen here. The most important numbers to watch are your fat mass percentage and lean muscle weight. Your body fat percentage is a measurement of the amount that your entire being consists OF FAT. This is because the level of body fat considered healthy can vary based on your age, and whether you are male or female. Healthy body fat percentages are up to 10-20% for boys and around a range of 20–30% in girls.
This tells you what percentage of your body is muscle mass. This is important, as more muscle generally equals improved health and fitness. However, quite the opposite might be called for in case you note your muscle mass percentage to have gone too low — start strength training exercises. Performing these types of exercises will allow you to add more muscle mass and increase your general strength level.
BOW TO THE NUMBERS: in addition to these key figures, your bioelectrical impedance results may include an estimate for body mass index (BMI) and basal metabolic rate (BMR). What is a checking tool (BAW) that will measure your height with weight, lending against what weighs more and is done healthy. BMR, on the other hand, indicates how many calories your body would expend if you were to rest all day. Without knowing these numbers, you cannot have a complete picture of how healthy and efficient is your body functioning.
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