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Мерење на импеданса на телото

BIA — Body Impedance Assessment, a unique way to measure your body water and fat(ml/%). This measurement is the way we get to know our own body and either or not it is healthy. The way it works is by having you run a small electric current through your body and take some key readings from that. However, this can make you a lot of insights about your body composition as how much muscle, fat and water weight are inside. You will need a special скала or machine to measure impedance of the body. Scale — It uses electrical signals passes energy through your entire body: it flows easily in the water and muscle in your body, using very low-currents that are safe. However, it does not weep well with fat. Its exact measurements of current are slow when its procedures by means of different components in our bodies, but you find: how much fats over about even; the amount low-fat muscle becoming there, plus having held for particular places drinking water stores. ** It will help you to know more on body composition.

    From electrical currents to body composition.

    Тоа треба да биде Истакна that the electrical current for body impedance measurement is much lower than a voltage from conventional battery watches. It’s so weak, you’re never even going to feel it. Non-existent. This is done in a safe manner to get an idea about the muscle, fat and water percentages. This is useful for doctors who want to help their patients stay fit and also athletes that are trying to improve their performance and fitness.

    Why choose Shanghai Youjiu Body impedance measurement?

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